Earl Gray

Earl Gray
"You can argue with me but, in the end, you'll have to face that fact that you're arguing with a squirrel." - Earl Gray

Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Outerview Series: Part XII - The Meaning of Meaning

      "Every songwriter knows you can sell form without substance.  
       Every prose writer knows you can sell substance without form.  
       You can't sell neither."

      "Poetry isn't about what you say.  It's about how you say it." - Gary Gamble (rec.arts.poems)
      A reporter can produce quality prose in minutes before going on air to present the facts to a waiting population.  Prose is timely.


      The poetic elements that we've discussed in this series usually take much longer to fashion refined verse.  Each word must fit with all of the others, like sculpted stones in an ancient edifice.  They may need to stand for ages.

What role does substance have in poetry?

     Prose tends to be about information:  answers and facts.  It may be how many will find your verse (i.e. via web searches).  Poetry tends to be about questions and comparisons (e.g. metaphors, similes, contrasts).

Metaphors and Similes

      A simile is a direct comparison, typically signalled by the word "as" or "like".

      "Like a hurricane" suggests the person or thing being described is tempestuous.

     A metaphor is not just associating two similar things;  it blurs any distinction between them.  The first requirement is that it not be true.

     "You are a rock star."

     If you're saying this to Rod Stewart it's a literal.  If to someone who isn't in the music business it's a metaphor.  The tenor is the thing described:  "You" in this case.  The vehicle is the description--the thing to which the tenor is being compared:  "rock star" in this example.  Your metaphor should be somewhat fresh.  "Rock star" might once have brought up thoughts of hard heavenly bodies but today it is little more than cliché.

     Consider this expression about a condition, trepidation, and alternatives:  escape or combat.

"In terror, flight or fight."

     The different sounds help define the condition, "terror", independent of both actions, "fight" or "flight".  Add some alliteration and the distinction between fear and fight/flight blurs:

"In fear,  there's fight or flight."

      Add rhyme and we mash together all three words...

"In fright, there's fight or flight."

       ...which may focus our attention on fright and flight because they have a consonant between the alliteration of "f" and the rhyme of "-ight".

       Parenthetically, this is but one example of how poetry--even the crudest commercial or political jingles--may have been humankind's original form of propaganda.

Genres and Subjects

       Consider your own posting habits.  How often--or how rarely--do you pass along a poem on social media?

       "Maybe once or twice.  Funny ones, probably."

       Like prose, poetry can be written on any topic and in any genre.  No, poetry doesn't have to be emotional, profound, or anything else.  In fact, the most popular genre is humor.  Personalities and politics are also popular.  The seven most memorable poems of this century were about a crazy 15th Century priest, beans, a warrior who died over 200 years ago, WWII nostalgia, sunflowers, non-necessities, and space junk.  Not a single love poem came close and, of course, cryptocrap was never a consideration.

      "Why not love poems?  Are the best poets today not romantic?"

       Good question.  Let me turn it around, though.  How many love poems written in the last sixty years can you recite?

       "Uh...well...none.  Lots of songs, though!"

        Exactly.  In this genre in particular, spoken verse cannot compete for attention with song lyrics.  It's certainly not an issue of quality...

"Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung." - Voltaire

      ...with music getting worse every day. It's just a matter of numbers.  No matter how good your love poem is it will be drowned out by Top 40 hits on the radio.  It follows that if you want anyone to hear your love poems you will need to set them to music.  Or embed them.

       "Embed them?"

       Yes.  Insert them into something else, such as a television series or a movie.

       "How would that work?"

        In the case of "The Paradox of Love", you'd write an entire movie script to serve as prologue to a final farewell poem.

        Now, instead of seeking attention, you will be presenting something that a multi-million dollar film could be riding on.

        "No pressure!"


        "Okay, so if not lovey dovey stuff, what do we write about?"

         Your listeners.  Their interests, not yours.  Their emotions, desires, curiosities, environments, and strengths.

        "But I don't know their interests."

        Look at social media.  People will spend all day and night telling you what fascinates them.  Write about those things.  And humor.  Nothing is more effective than making people smile or laugh.

        "Okay, but specifically, what works best among the serious stuff?"

         SOABs.  Sympathetic Or Ambiguous Biographies.  Glimpses into the lives of recognized figures.  Actors, politicians, newsmakers, reporters, anyone people will recognize.

         "Why not unsympathetic views?"

          That can work as entertainment--humor--but less antagonistic views can survive both the author and the subject [if only as elegies].

         "Can you give examples?"

          The three greatest poems of this century have been accounts of historical figures:  "Studying Savonarola", "Beans" (about Salvador Allende), and "Tecumseh".  If someone were to film a documentary or feature film on any of those they would find that poem online and ask the author for permission to use it in their production.

          Because fewer people are interested in history than current events, our biographies will focus on our contemporaries.
          Cliché is boring.  It won't enter our memory because it can't be distinguished from what is already there.  Cryptocrap is an extreme reaction to triteness that ends up being every bit as dull.  It reads like rot-13 gibberish:

Zvffvat lbh ntnva,
V rzoenpr funyybj tenirf.
Cnyr snprf, qbhtuyvxr oernfgf
uryc zr sbetrg.

          ...and has less than zero performance value.  That is, it actually drives audiences away.

  The truly great poems, lines, and phrases stop us in our tracks not because they are different/original but because they are better than everything else we've heard recently.  "Hookers" by Marco Morales will reside in the memory of anyone who encounters it:

Missing you again,
I embrace shallow graves.
Pale faces, doughlike breasts
help me forget.

     N.B.:  The second line is startling not because you don't know what it means;  it is startling because you do.  It is like an explosion of understanding.

     The frequency and support for these astounding lines is a style issue.  Morales used the "killer and filler" approach with the other lines feeding into "I embrace shallow graves".

     In "Studying Savonarola" Margaret Griffiths adopts the standard approach, building to a climax with the cretic "unconsumed".

Say you die, scorched into ashes, say

you pass from here to there, with your marigold
eyes, the garden darker for lack of one golden flower,
would bees mourn, would crickets keen, drawing long

blue chords on their thighs like cellists?
Say you disperse like petals on the wind,
the bright stem of you still a living stroke

in memory, still green, still spring, still the tint
and the tang of you in my throat, unconsumed.

      DPK attacks relentlessly, each line dripping with ambiguity to excite both halves of her polarized audience, pausing only to consider each euphemism carefully:

    September came like winter's
    ailing child but
    left us
    viewing Valparaiso's pride. Your face was
    always saddest when you smiled. You smiled as every
    doctored moment lied. You lie with
    orphans' parents, long

       To be successful, you need to master the techniques and produce stunning lines.  Quality over quantity.  You need to be optimistic, starting with the state of the art.  Yes, poetry is dead and you'll need several miracles to resuscitate it but that just means the competition, as numerous as it is, isn't particularly strong.

       There is a famous joke about Chicago Bears Running Backs Walter Payton and Matt Suhey camping in the Arctic.  A breathless Walter Payton comes into their tent and begins changing from mukluks to sneakers.  

     "What are you doing?" wonders Suhey.

     "There's a polar bear coming!"

      Suhey laughs and points out:  "You can't outrun a polar bear!"

      "I don't need to outrun the bear," Payton retorts.  "I just need to outrun you!"

      Your listeners want to hear "good stories well told" in 21st century language.  You don't need to write better than Shakespeare or Eliot.  You might not need to write better than DPK or Maz, who haven't been seen for more than a decade [and weren't well known then].  

      You just need to outwrite everyone else producing today, virtually none of whom are household names.  To recap, these are the 10 commandments for poetry promotion:

1. No diaries.  Write about everyone and everything except yourself.
2. Speak.  Poetry is a mode of speech, not writing.
3. Forget copyright infringement.  Encourage others to perform your work.
4. Form!  No one has ever been interested in memorizing prose with linebreaks.
5. Network.  Make contact with poets, actors, and producers.
6. Humor.  Make poems out of jokes.
7. Concision.  Less is more.
8. Repeat sounds:  rhyme, assonance, consonance, alliteration, anaphora, etc.
9. Sonics:  Use harsh sounds to create tension, soft sounds to relax.
10. Be humble and helpful.  And optimistic.

 The Outerview Series

The Outerview Series:  Part I - What is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part II - Where is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part III - What is Rhythm?
The Outerview Series:  Part IV - Scan Poems Backward
The Outerview Series:  Part V - Rhyming is Fun
The Outerview Series:  Part VI - Super Sonics
The Outerview Series:  Part VII - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part VIII - Manufacturing an Audience
The Outerview Series:  Part IX - Crafting Drafts
The Outerview Series:  Part X - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part XI - Attracting and Impressing
The Outerview Series:  Part XII - The Meaning of Meaning

Friday, December 13, 2024

The Outerview Series: Part XI - Attracting and Impressing

      If you spend time on Q&A sites (e.g. Quora) the most common poetry-related query is "Where can I post my poetry online?"

      No one ever asks:  "Where can read or hear [contemporary] poetry online?"

      The second most popular question from neophytes is:  "How can I protect my masterpieces against plagiarism?"

      LOL!  (By not producing anything worth stealing.)

Is money the opposite of poetry?

      When heiress Ruth Lily died in 2002 she left approximately $100,000,000 to the Modern Poetry Association.  It wasn't until 2018 that all the lawsuits were settled, by which time it had grown to $257,000,000 or what is now The Poetry Foundation, publishers of Poetry magazine.  It has partnered with the National Endowment for the Arts to produce the "Poetry Out Loud!" initiative.  For its part, Poetry magazine was established in Chicago in 1912 by Harriet Moore.  In June of 1915 she published T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"  [after Ezra Pound scanned it for her to convince her that it wasn't merely "the muttering of an old man"].

      "That's the one with all the different line lengths and extra syllables before them, right?"

       Yes.  Heterometrical, with a lot of anacrusis--extra syllables before the meter.

       After that brilliant start, how has small-p poetry [other than song lyrics] fared?  With all of the money, effort, and other publications, how many poems have entered our public consciousness in, say, the last half century?

       "I can't think of any--"

       Zero.  A perfect record, unblemished by success.  With all of that money, all of the learning, critical and promotional resources--online and in print--and all of those venues you would think this would be a golden age of poetry.  You'd think we'd know at least as many poets as novelists.  You'd think we'd quote contemporary verse at least as much as Shakespearean.

        Nope.  Not a single iconic poem since that limerick about a man from Nantucket in 1961.  So how can we revive a dead art form?  How do we resurrect verse?

        While it may take generations, the course of action is remarkably simple:  Do the opposite of what got us into this situation.  Do the opposite of what everyone else is doing.

Post Production

      Having posted your performance the real work begins:  Getting people to hear it at a time when poetry is dead.  99.9% of the verse you and I will hear in our lives will be song lyrics.  We're talking about spoken poetry--a virtually impossible sale.  It follows that this will require unusual if not unprecedented measures over a long period of time.

      No one introduces their novel, news or short story as "prose" so don't refer to your presentation as "poetry".  Just start talking.  No introduction.  No explanation.  Tell your story and get off the stage.  Provide the text and author's credits below the video.  Give your post, if not your poem, an inviting or provocative title and hashtags of intriguing subjects.  For example, this meme (i.e. text only) poem, "Paradise Has No Colonies", has tags corresponding to each line's theme, aspects of a prostitute's life:  experience, redemption, incest, artifice, subterfuge, education, identity, childbirth, and pedophilia.  


      If poetry is to be resurrected it must be as a participatory sport.  Two hundred years ago people read verse in every available periodical not as a life lesson but as fodder for home entertainment [before movies, radio, television, the Internet, etc.].  The object, then, is to get people to perform your pieces.

      This leads us to Pearl's 14th Paradox, which the uninitiated will regard as heresy:

      "Do you mean actual plagiarism?  Isn't that theft?"

       Consider this famous quote:

      "Good artists borrow.  Great artists steal."

       Some attribute it to Pablo Picasso, but most can benefit from the wisdom without getting bogged down in authorship.

       As a poet you need people to do covers--performances--of your verse.  99% will credit you for writing it but what is important is that they treat the words as their own while uttering them.

       You need the actor to pause for thought before each phrase as a speaker does normally.  In that sense, yes, you do need them to "steal" your words.  (As with cover songs, authorship won't be an issue afterwards.  Anyone who can see the posting date will know who created the poem.)  

       This "theft" is and always has been essential to poetry's proliferation.

       In order to appeal to people's competitive natures, encourage visitors to record their own performances of your poem and post the URLs to their version below yours.  Create a contest out of each of your works. Start by challenging family, friends, then strangers to outdo each other.

Next:  The Meaning of Meaning

The Outerview Series

The Outerview Series:  Part I - What is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part II - Where is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part III - What is Rhythm?
The Outerview Series:  Part IV - Scan Poems Backward
The Outerview Series:  Part V - Rhyming is Fun
The Outerview Series:  Part VI - Super Sonics
The Outerview Series:  Part VII - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part VIII - Manufacturing an Audience
The Outerview Series:  Part IX - Crafting Drafts
The Outerview Series:  Part X - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part XI - Attracting and Impressing
The Outerview Series:  Part XII - The Meaning of Meaning

Thursday, December 5, 2024

The Outerview Series: Part X - Production

      We've written and edited our best verse and, poetry being a mode of speech, not writing, we now want to find listeners.

      "Why not readers?"

       Poetry doesn't attract a lot of those.  Given the state of the art, there isn't nearly enough poetry to fill even one page of text in a periodical, let alone dozens in the average journal.  What readership there might be amounts to contributors hoping to divine the editor's tastes and interests.

     "But people did used to read poetry, right?"

      Folks used to read poetry for two reasons:  To find something to perform for their friends and family or to analyze why people enjoyed hearing that particular verse.  At the very least, when people read poetry they were able to do so imagining how it would sound--something they could well envision because they listened to so much verse during their lives.

     "So if we want people to read our poetry we need to recite it to them?"

      Perform it for them, yes.  But more directly, we want them to hear and appreciate our speech.  Or rhymes, if you wish.

 Enactments and Narrations.

      An enactment involves one or more presenters performing a poem on camera, with or without action.  Your laptop camera or your telephone might suffice.  If you have the cash, consider getting a tripod (photo at top, often under $20, usually  with a remote start button) and, for sound better than a telephone call, a microphone ($6 and up).  A popular choice is the Hollyland M2 (a little over $100, about the size and shape of a quarter).

      The performers need to look and sound as if they are making it up as they go along.  Try to avoid looking up and to the right;  this makes it seem like the speaker is trying to recall lines.

      Enunciate clearly.  Textual subtitles are a good idea if hoping to attract non-anglophone audiences.  

      It is a good idea to record each stanza or strophe separately, perhaps from different angles.  This is particularly effective when there is a change in perspective or tone, as at a sonnet's volta.

      Insofar as lighting is concerned, position the light facing the actor(s) from two different angles [in order to avoid shadows].  A room's ceiling light can be augmented by a lamp on the floor.

      If you are too shy to appear on camera record your voice and do a slide show with still photographs in the foreground.  Networking with a photographer would be a good plan.  For this purpose a wired microphone will do, often providing better audio than a similarly priced wireless model.

      Speak with natural inflection.  Don't give up until you are satisfied with what you have recorded. Above all:  Never introduce or, worse, explain your poem.  Ever.  Anywhere.  The only exceptions are "terms and times":  a word or phrase that is either archaic (e.g. annotations of Shakespearean verse) or jargon (e.g. a mention of "Dragon" in a piece about chess).

      When you post it online you might include the text below your video.

Music  https://pixabay.com/music/search/instrumental/

      Check out some of the royal free instrumental download sites.  These tunes can be snipped for use before, after, or in the background at low volume during your poetry performance.  Occasionally, we'll see instrumental slide shows with verse text.  No recitation.

      This is usually because the poet has a unique, overriding need for anonymity.

      Now that you have your final version posted, how do you gather viewers?

Next:   Attracting and Impressing

The Outerview Series

The Outerview Series:  Part I - What is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part II - Where is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part III - What is Rhythm?
The Outerview Series:  Part IV - Scan Poems Backward
The Outerview Series:  Part V - Rhyming is Fun
The Outerview Series:  Part VI - Super Sonics
The Outerview Series:  Part VII - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part VIII - Manufacturing an Audience
The Outerview Series:  Part IX - Crafting Drafts
The Outerview Series:  Part X - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part XI - Attracting and Impressing
The Outerview Series:  Part XII - The Meaning of Meaning

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Outerview Series: Part IX - Crafting Drafts

       So far, we've established that:

I) Poetry is verbatim.
II) Poetry is most often rhythmic.
III) Poetry was subsumed by song in the 20th Century.
IV) Verse is scanned from right to left because lines find their rhythm.
V) Rhymes are crowd-pleasers.
VI) In addition to concision, poetry relies on repetitions of sounds.
VII) Poetry has lost its audience [and readership].
VIII) Audiences and readerships] needed to be created.

      "People used to read beat poets.  Why did they die out?"

       Prose with linebreaks has always been a failed aesthetic--or non-aesthetic--but no one, including the author in most cases--bothered to memorize and either perform or quote them.  In essence, these "poets" published first drafts because they were either too preoccupied/lazy or lacked the skill to craft them.  For example, look at this anaphoric piece:

by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (After Khalil Gibran) 2007

Pity the nation whose people are sheep
And whose shepherds mislead them

Pity the nation whose leaders are liars
Pity the nation whose people are sheep
And whose shepherds mislead them

Pity the nation that raises not its voice
Except to praise conquerors
And acclaim the bully as hero
And aims to rule the world
By force and by torture

Pity the nation that knows
No other language but its own
And no other culture but its own

Pity the nation whose breath is money
And sleeps the sleep of the too well fed

Pity the nation oh pity the people
who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be washed away

My country, tears of thee
Sweet land of liberty!

       "That has some nice lines."

        Nice sentiments, yes.  So why would we consider it an outline of a poem rather than a finished work?

       "Too long?"

        Essentially, yes.  After the second strophe (i.e. paragraph) it descended from clever to preachy.  Paring away the dull lines is called "killing our darlings".  Let's see if we can turn this into something memorable.

Pity the nation whose people are sheep
And whose shepherds mislead them

        People as sheep is cliché but it could work if we don't connect the last dot.

Pity flocks misled by shepherds.  A sunny
future darkens.  Bigots haunt the airwaves.
Pity nation states whose breath is money,
soothed to sleep by lullabies of bare slaves.

      We've arranged the thoughts in a meter, trochaic pentameter:

Pity | flocks mis|led by | shepherds. | Sunny
futures | darken. | Bigots | haunt the | airwaves.
Pity | nation | states whose | breath is | money,
soothed to | sleep by | lulla|bies of | bare slaves.

      It's hardly a masterpiece but it is becoming easy to remember and not much is lost due to the compression.  For the most part, we are simply stitching the killer lines with as little filler as possible.  Note the "b" sounds building in each sentence:  the unstressed "by", the stressed "Bigots" and "breath" with short vowels after them, then the alliteration of "-bies" with "bare" (which introduces the double rhyme of "bare slaves" with "air waves").

     "This seems like a lot of work.  All this attention to detail--"

      It is.

     "So how long does it take to write a poem?"

      Be prepared to spend an eternity with your verse.


The Outerview Series

The Outerview Series:  Part I - What is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part II - Where is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part III - What is Rhythm?
The Outerview Series:  Part IV - Scan Poems Backward
The Outerview Series:  Part V - Rhyming is Fun
The Outerview Series:  Part VI - Super Sonics
The Outerview Series:  Part VII - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part VIII - Manufacturing an Audience
The Outerview Series:  Part IX - Crafting Drafts
The Outerview Series:  Part X - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part XI - Attracting and Impressing
The Outerview Series:  Part XII - The Meaning of Meaning


Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Outerview Series: Part VIII - Manufacturing an Audience

        So far, we've established that:

I) Poetry is verbatim.
II) Poetry is most often rhythmic.
III) Poetry was subsumed by song in the 20th Century.
IV) Verse is scanned from right to left because lines find their rhythm.
V) Rhymes are crowd-pleasers.
VI) In addition to concision, poetry relies on repetitions of sounds.
VII) Poetry has lost its audience [and readership].

       There are more people writing "poetry" now than ever before but no one is listening to [or reading] it.

      "So what is the purpose of learning how to write it?  To be ignored?"

       Mastering the art form's essentials and understanding its mordant status quo allows us to comprehend the challenge:  "Other than setting verse to music, how can we manufacture an audience?"

       In 1972 the National Football League was still competing against baseball, basketball, and, to stretch the point, golf and hockey for lucrative television contracts.  Some commentators came up with an idea:  Each would pick players and whichever such group scored the most points that season would win that pundit a prize.  By fashioning their own such lists ("leagues") fans could have a stake in the game.  This became known as "Fantasy Football".  Today, it is the NFL's largest single source of profit and has made it, by far, the most successful sport in America, if not the world.

       Thus, "How can we get audiences?" evolves into "How can we get audiences involved in poetry?"  Not poets, mind you, but audiences.  The public.

       This may be the most difficult task in the world.  Others have tried and failed to engage people in contemporary verse.

       In the 1980s  Marc Kelly Smith and some other Chicago poets came up with the idea of poetry competitions called "slams".  These had some success because, as we've said, there are many people writing "poetry" today.  Unlike Fantasy Football, though, slams never appealed to a broader fandom because virtually no such fans existed.  The audience was limited to other poets and their tiny entourages.  (In accordance with Earl Gray's 72nd law, experienced participants avoid the term "poetry";  these are merely "slam" or "spoken word" events.)

       The Poetry Foundation and National Endowment for the Arts came up with another good idea:  Get teens across the nation to perform verse.  This has had limited success for a number of reasons:  it is expensive, requires a lot of organization, the selected verses lack performance value, and it underutilizes the Internet.

 Poetry Covers

       We are all familiar with cover songs.

        Find [or write] a poem you feel others will like.  Make a video either narrating it [in the background] or performing it, properly attributing it to the author.  Post it on social media, calling it "a story", "a perspective", "an account", anything other than "a poem".

      "Wait.  What about copyright?"

       Try to contact the writer for permission.  If they are unavailable, proceed.  In the very unlikely event that the poet objects to this homage, take it down.  Much more likely, the author will be complimented and will thank you for the promotional effort.  

      Not a performer?  Be the camera operator for an actor friend.  Or buy a cell phone tripod (for under $20) and be the facilitator.  Network.


        As an illustration, consider making a recording of this poem with spoken words instead of background music:


Lover's Will

Forget those walks, the turns we took;
those glaring trinkets won't remain:
the warming touch, the neighbour's look,
our way washed clean by autumn rain.

Forget me now, embrace the rest
of this new course, unseen, unsought,
and grant me only this request:
reserve for us your final thought.

       Form contests, asking people to submit similar efforts.  For example, you could send us the URL after posting your version of "Lover's Will" online.  We can list these here and see which rendition our visitors prefer.

       Ideally, sponsors would get involved. If not, ally your contest with a favorite local business, cause, or group.  To wit, we might say that the "Lover's Will" performance prompt/contest honors the Thailand Restaurant at 617 Selkirk Avenue, whose delicacies sustain me and deserve worldwide recognition.  LOL!

       Be creative!

 The Outerview Series

The Outerview Series:  Part I - What is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part II - Where is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part III - What is Rhythm?
The Outerview Series:  Part IV - Scan Poems Backward
The Outerview Series:  Part V - Rhyming is Fun
The Outerview Series:  Part VI - Super Sonics
The Outerview Series:  Part VII - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part VIII - Manufacturing an Audience
The Outerview Series:  Part IX - Crafting Drafts
The Outerview Series:  Part X - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part XI - Attracting and Impressing
The Outerview Series:  Part XII - The Meaning of Meaning





Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Outerview Series: Part VII - Production

      At this point we know that poetry is memorably speech, how to scan verse, rhyme, and use sounds to stitch words together.  So what do we do now?

     "Write poems and get them published?"

     To what end?

     "What do you mean?"

     How many contemporary poems do you read each day?

     "Well, none, but..."

     Exactly.  No one is going to read your poem, even if it is printed in a magazine.

     "Okay, post it on my blog then."

     And how much time do you spend reading verse on blogs?  Or social media?

     "Probably none..."

     Precisely.  No one reads poetry.  Except, perhaps, others who want to be published there and trying to get a feel for the editor's preferences.

     Thus, the question becomes:  "Under what circumstances would anyone want to read or hear our poetry?"

     "If it's set to music, maybe?"

     Yes, but let's just talk about spoken verse here.  When might people want to read or hear poetry, as opposed to song lyrics?


      Pretty much, yes.  Never.

     "So what do we do?"

      We create an audience.

      "And how do we do that?"

      We ask ourselves:  What do people find interesting?

      "Movies?  Television?"

       Right.  So our task is to get our poems into movies and/or television.

       Consider the three best poems of this century.  All were made into slide shows.  They attracted 1444 hits over a combined (14+14+15) 43 years.  That is 33.58 hits per year.  All were historical perspectives, the idea being that anyone making a documentary or feature film would web search the subject, find the poem, and consider including it.

       Never happened.  A more targeted approach is in order.  Find out what your favorite director's upcoming project is, write a poem about that, make a video, post it onto social media, then join an online discussion group for that director or genre and, after establishing yourself, casually mention your piece there.  

       If that is not your style then write for an upcoming event.  You have four months from now (2024-08-25) until Kamala Harris is sworn in as POTUS.  Use that time to write, perform, record, and post an inaugural poem.  Get going on it!

Other Venues and Embedded Poetry

      In addition to songs there are open mics and slams.  These attract participants and their entourages more than listeners, per se.

       Shakespeare didn't publish his sonnets.  What poetry he did publicize was his dramatic verse.  Plays.  He made enough to sustain two theatres--not just the troupe of actors but the actual buildings.  It is unclear that the Bard could do that today but it is certain that no one else has managed to do this in the 21st Century.

       A different approach is to write a novel or movie script that includes (i.e. "embeds") poetry.  For example, "The Paradox of Love" is a novel/movie about two open mic poets who fall in love.  One has to depart [because of an undisclosed illness] so the poem she wrote as her wedding vows now serve as her farewell.

       Consider this:  There is only one time every four years when the anglophone world listens to a poem:  the U.S. presidential inauguration ceremony.  At that, only after a Democratic victory.

       So here's a practical suggestion for American versers:  Write an inaugural poem and have it performed (i.e. by yourself or someone else) on a video posted to YouTube.  Add "2025 Inaugural Poem" after the title (e.g. "Locked Towards the Future" - A 2025 Inaugural Poem) so scouts can find it.  Not an American?  Pair up with one.

       You may need to network, joining up with a performer and, perhaps, a songwriter.  In any event, writing and producing a performance (even on your telephone) will be only half the battle.  You will need to spent at least as much time, energy, resources, and imagination finding an audience.

       Good luck!

The Outerview Series

The Outerview Series:  Part I - What is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part II - Where is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part III - What is Rhythm?
The Outerview Series:  Part IV - Scan Poems Backward
The Outerview Series:  Part V - Rhyming is Fun
The Outerview Series:  Part VI - Super Sonics
The Outerview Series:  Part VII - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part VIII - Manufacturing an Audience
The Outerview Series:  Part IX - Crafting Drafts
The Outerview Series:  Part X - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part XI - Attracting and Impressing
The Outerview Series:  Part XII - The Meaning of Meaning


Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Outerview Series: Part VI - Super Sonics

     So far, we've learned that poetry is memorably speech.  It uses a lot of memory aids ("mnemonic techniques"), including cadence and meter, both of which are best identified if we scan the whole poem, line by line from right to left.  Two elements are key:  concision and repetitions of sounds, starting with rhymes.

     Every language has a set number of sounds, called "phonemes".  Even today, some African languages have over 100 distinct sounds.  As humankind emigrated to other areas many of these were lost.  Mandarin has 56.  English, 44.  Algonquin, 29.  By the time people inhabited Hawaii they were down to 13.  There is a tribe along the Amazon with as few as 7;  their babies learn to communicate through humming before they can speak!

     Many of these phonemes were originally onomatopoeic, like "moo", or "hiss".  Thus, regardless of what language you speak, you might be imitating the sounds of animals, some of which may have gone extinct thousands of years ago.

     Rhymes are a subset of sounds.  In going to the superset we transition from the easiest aspect of poetry to the most complex.

     "I just read ahead.  Do we have to know all of these different type of sounds?"

     No, but we need to know of them and the importance of their length and strength.  Sonics are what separate an amateur's work from an experts.  It is what attracts praise from sophisticated editors and contest judges.  In close decisions, it wins slams.  We will go with a "quick and dirty" approach, focusing on what someone needs to know, and footnote two excellent articles by Rachel Lindley at bottom.

     For now, we'll begin with, arguably, the five most pleasant sounding words ever written:
Ozone on the midnight wind
     ...and examine what makes these lyrics so unforgettable.


     The time it takes to make a sound can set a pace [with other sounds of that duration] or make a phoneme stand out [from sounds of different lengths].  For vowels, the "i" and "e" in "bit" and "bet" are called "short" for a reason.  A long "oh", as in "ozone", is medium length.  A long "i" (e.g. "lie") sounds like "ah-ee" or "uh-ee", a combination of sounds tantamount to a dipthong (e.g. "oi" as in "oink" or "ou" as in "out").  Similarly, a long "a", as in "cake", sounds like a short "e" followed by a long one:  "eh-ee".

     Among consonants, ones that we can spit out (e.g hard "g" as in "get, "b", "k", and "p") are very quick.  The "s" sound in "yes" or the "zh" sound in "pleasure" or "joie de vivre" take longer. The "sh" (e.g. "shop") and "ch" ("chop") sounds are longer still.  We make "m" and "n" sounds largely through our noses and it takes a while to distinguish them.

     Thus, "Ozone on" ("Oh-zohn awn") is a very slow start to our example line, as is "night" ("na-eet" or "nuh-eet"), but the "i" in "mid" and "wind" is quick.  The line drives along slowly, as if in a construction zone, pumps its breaks with "mid", and then comes to a slow stop with "wind".  The word "the" ("thuh") is medium in duration, transitioning from the slothlike first half of the line to the cautious arrest.

A           | E       | I         | O       | U             
ah  aw  ai  | eh  ee  | ih  uh-ee | aw  oh  | uh  oo  oo  yu
cat paw ate | pet see | sit eye   | pot low | cut put gnu cue

Y             | Shwa <- Like a shortened "u" from "put"
ye  uh-ee ee  | ½ oo <-- between the b and l in "able".
yet sky   any | cook <- Sometime written with an inverted "e".
B   | C    s  | D   | F   | G  j   | H   | J   zh  | K   | L
but | cow ice | die | foe | go age | hot | jut raj | kit | lit

M   | N   | P   | Q   | R   | S   zh      | T   | V   | W   | X  | Z
man | now | pin | que | raw | see leisure | tea | vet | wet | ks | zen

Ch  | Sh  | Ph   | th  | th
chi | she | phil | the | thin

      As an exercise, try grouping the above sounds as "short", "medium", and "long" in duration.  Then create a second list, categorizing them as "soft", "medium", or "harsh":


      The softness/weakness or harshness/strength of consonants can echo and enhance an atmosphere of relaxation or tension, respectively.

      Poe's famous trochaic heptameter opening in "The Raven" uses a lot of strong consonants before vowel sounds to create tension/suspense:

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,

      Linking the sounds of "weak" and "weary", internal rhyming with "dreary", highlights our sense of ominous vulnerability.

      In our example line, most of the sounds are soft ("m", "n") or medium ("z"):

Ozone on the midnight wind

      The only hard sounds are "d" and "t" and those come after vowels, not right before them.  The "t" at the beginning of, say, "tight" is harder than the one at the end, or the one at the end of "night".  Similarly, the consonants at the beginning of "bib", "dud", "gig", "kick", and "pop" are sounded more strongly than the same consonants at the ends of those words.


      Note that in the words "midnight wind" the "d" and "n" sounds switch, both coming after a short "i".  As with all sonic repetitions, this links the two words in our subconscious minds.  This linkage is made firmer by the fact that the two words, "midnight" and "wind", have more than one sound in common.  This is particularly strong if the sounds occur in stressed syllables.  Meanwhile, the "n" phonemes in "Ozone on" link those two words, creating the sense of being high--perhaps literally and figuratively.  This creates a mood of being euphoric in a dark breeze.

      In this way our words and our sounds can have different meanings, or the same meanings with different emphasis.

      Which of these two fabrics did Erin Hopson choose in her ekphrastic masterpiece, “How Aimée remembers Jaguar"?  Satin or linen?

where wel|come sat|in soothes | the burn.

where wel|come lin|en soothes | the burn.

     Both lines work as iambic tetrameter so rhythm/meter aren’t an issue.

     If Erin wanted to alliterate with “satin soothes” she’d have gone with the first line.

     Instead, she wanted to link the “l” of “linen” with the “l” in “welcome”. This makes the line about hospitality more than healing. More about the care than the cure.  A poet has to do this with every phoneme in every word.  Think of a game of Jenga.  One wrong word and the whole poem collapses.


To recap, in general:

- A group of long sounds slows the pace, creating a sense of ease.
- A group of short sounds quickens the pace, creating tension.
- A group of soft sounds eases tension.
- A group of harsh sounds creates tension.
- Hard consonants sound more so before vowels than at the end of words.
- Repeating sounds links the words that contain them.
- Repetitions involving stressed syllables make stronger links.
- Multiple repetitions (e.g. "wild" & "life") make stronger links.

Next:  Productions

==============  Footnotes  ==============

Heavy versus Light Syllables

AI:  A heavy syllable is a syllable that contains a long vowel sound or ends in a consonant. Heavy syllables are considered "stronger" or "weightier" than light syllables, which contain short vowel sounds and no final consonant. In prosodic analysis, the distinction between heavy and light syllables is important for determining the rhythmic structure and stress patterns of words and phrases.

From the Poetry Free-For-All "Blurbs of Wisdom":

Rachel Lindley - Aural Imagery and Sonics

Consonants come in two general "flavours" - voiced and unvoiced. Voiced consonants occur when you let your vocal chords vibrate as you form them. Unvoiced consonants occur when you don't. As a general rule of thumb, unvoiced consonants have a harsher sound than voiced consonants, which generally take longer to form because of the vocal chord involvement and are also softened by the vocal chord vibration.

The Speedy Ones

1. Unvoiced Plosives - that's a fancy way of saying that these are sounds you make when trapping air behind your teeth or lips and then releasing it explosively without letting your vocal chords vibrate. Unvoiced plosives include T and P. They're fast, they're harsher, and they're made in a "spitting" fashion. Using these sounds can help you create a sense of staccato speed. You could use them to emphasize a sense of shock or surprise, irritation, physical lightness, a sense of lightheartedness, and so on.

2. Voiced Plosives - the talkative version of the above. Voiced plosives include D and B. These sounds can create more sense of forcefulness than the above, but without the same harshness of sound and as such without the same effect in communicating, say, irritation. These are "bouncy" sounds and "demanding" sounds. Just look at what those two words start with. B's are great for building humour in imagery, and D's are great for building forceful urgency.

3. Unvoiced Glottals - Glottals in general are sometimes lumped in with plosives, because they are also made by trapping air and then explosively releasing it. However, in this case this is done in the back of the throat. The lone unvoiced glottal is K. Because of its clicking effect, it's great in enforcing quickness and urgency, and because of its unvoiced nature it's great at enforcing a sense of anger or danger, or a sense of snatching something quickly.

4. Voiced Glottals - The lone voiced glottal is a hard G. It can be used to create a "gurgling" effect ("gurgle" being a perfect example). Say you wanted to get across a sense of someone choking on their words or feeling indignation - a lot of G sounds can help build that effect. It has some of the demanding nature of a D and can also be used to enforce humour. It can increase speed, although not to the same extent as an unvoiced glottal can.

The Slowpokes

5. Unvoiced Fricatives - These are formed when you release air continuously through a small opening between the teeth, lips, or throat without letting your vocal chords get into the game. These include SH (as in "sheep"), S (as in "sleep"), H, TH (as in "thick") and F (as in "fur"). Because of their hissing nature, lots of fricatives are used to good effect in creating a sense of threat, intensity, and sensuality. H can also have an effect found in voiced fricatives: it can communicate a sense of heaviness of atmosphere or physicality by the way the air has to be forced out the throat in order to create any sound at all. "Heave!"

6. Voiced Fricatives - the effect of the hissing sound is changed dramatically when you let your vocal chords vibrate. They include Z ("zoom"), ZH ("azure"), TH ("soothe"), and V ("vapid"). These are more sensual, buzzing sounds, long and drawn out. They can help create an erotic atmosphere, a relaxed one, a sense of peace, a sense of heaviness. Because Z and ZH are a higher-pitched vibration and are therefore more strident, they can also be used to enforce a constant annoyance, like a fly buzzing.

7. Nasals - nasals are formed by almost completely closing off the lips, teeth, or throat and letting things hummmmmmmm. These include M, N, and NG. These sounds are some of the most drawn out. I mean, you can hum on one breath for a long, long time. These sounds can have a huge range of effect. M tends to get the best job, and can be used to create a sense of relaxation, sensuality, and largess. N is middle of the road. It can be used to create similar effect, but it also has a touch of a higher-pitched nose vibration in it, which can create a more strident effect. The one with the ugliest job is NG. Because it is a seriously high-pitched nasal vibration, it can be used to create an atmosphere of irritation and annoyance and emphasize strong vibrational environmental effects. (for example, "clang").

8. Approximants - these are sounds that don't know whether they're vowels or consonants. They are the missing link between the closed sounds of consonants and the open sounds of vowels. There are two kinds of approximants: liquids / resonants, which include R and L, and semi-vowels, which include W and Y (although some would say that Y and W could also be diphthongs, they're so close to the edge). These sounds can seriously smooth out rhythm and tone, having a "liquid" effect on sound and imagery. R, being formed so close to the vocal folds, has more vibration and therefore can create a sense of "growling", good in communicating anger, desire, and such.

9. Affricatives - these are the diphthongs of consonants, made with a rapid-fire switch from one consonant sound to another. These include CH (chair) and J (judge). Since CH is a combination of T and SH, it has the explosive effect of an unvoiced plosive in combination with the hissing effect of an unvoiced fricative. It's the brother of SH, only more demanding. "Chomp!" J, being a combination of D and ZH, has a softer side, is more sensual, but has more oomph and emphasis than a standard voiced fricative. "Jump!" It's meatier than the slithering fricative types, juicier. Affricatives don't creep up on you with their charm, they beat you over the head with it.

Rachel Lindley - Rhythm and Sound in Poetry

Now let's add consonant and vowel phonemes to the mix. When you read a poem aloud, keeping in mind the rhythm as you do so, you may begin to get a sense, not only of the relative speed and pitch of the voice, but the overall "feeling" or "atmosphere" that may be generated by the sounds. (Remember: always read aloud.) For instance, if you have a lot of short, quick phonemes, such as a lot of unvoiced plosive consonants or glottal consonants like "t", "k", "p", or "g" and a lot of short vowel sounds like "eh", "ih" or "ah", a line moves quickly and sharply. Enough sharp, unvoiced consonants like "p", "t" or "k", and when read aloud you will feel as if you almost spit the words. Add a lot of unvoiced sibilant fricatives or affricatives like "s", "sh" or "ch", and a line may sound hissed, which can be either threatening or alluring, depending on the length of the vowels. Short vowels like "ah", "ih", and "eh" can increase pitch and speed; long, open vowels (especially dipthongs) like "aw", "oh", "ow" and "oo" deepen and slow the pitch and speed. Voiced fricatives like "th" in "them", "v", "z" or "zh" sounds in combination with nasals or semi-vowels like "w", "m", "n", or "y" will generally smooth (a perfect example, by the way) and slow a line.

The Outerview Series

The Outerview Series:  Part I - What is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part II - Where is poetry?
The Outerview Series:  Part III - What is Rhythm?
The Outerview Series:  Part IV - Scan Poems Backward
The Outerview Series:  Part V - Rhyming is Fun
The Outerview Series:  Part VI - Super Sonics
The Outerview Series:  Part VII - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part VIII - Manufacturing an Audience
The Outerview Series:  Part IX - Crafting Drafts
The Outerview Series:  Part X - Production
The Outerview Series:  Part XI - Attracting and Impressing
The Outerview Series:  Part XII - The Meaning of Meaning